Recently I received a call from a young high school student. She was assigned a last-minute holiday project to do job shadowing in the career path of her choosing.
The purpose of this exercise is to develop a mentorship program with the local businesses and the school’s students.
For the sake of privacy, we will be using a pseudonym.

Shadoh fortunately made the wise decision of reaching out to Lyndworm to assist with her assignment.
The first leg of this mentorship started by showing Shadoh the benefits of using digital marketing as well as the joys of entrepreneurship.
Further lessons included how to encourage creative thinking, self-expression and most importantly how to have fun while working.

What I learned is the value of sharing knowledge and skills, while making new friends in the process.
A final thought – Lyndworm (Pty) Ltd will always be available for mentorship programs as skills development is part of the company’s mission statement.
~Written by Sacha Carikas (With Shadoh)